- 材质锌合金
- 产地中国
- 尺寸如样
- 附着力强
- 款式新款
- 品牌银上丰
- 图案字母
- 颜色各种颜色
- 适用地方汽车车身
产品包括:合金模具开发、摄像头外壳、手机外壳、电子U盘外壳、饰品、金属化妆镜、礼品、家私五金、拉手、凳脚、徽章、胸章、工号牌、纪念币、手机吊饰、帽夹、领带夹、袖扣、皮带扣、服饰配件、鞋饰、箱包配件、书签、相框类、标牌、铭牌、登山扣、开瓶器、案台摆设等高档金属工艺制品等。YSF Hardware Manufactory,established in 2001,is capable of opening molds on our own.armed with high technology and facility for die casting,polishing,plating and assembling,we deal with a wide range of products,such as usb flash drives,ornaments for cars,furniture,bags ,like buckles,badages,keychains,tie bars,pipe racks,frames,hooks,brooches,wine openner and so on.welcome to contact us,we believe we will make the best supplier ! 字母组合的车身贴 也可按照你的想法设计成任意的字母 该款为变形金刚改装而成 采用进口水钻 锌合金压铸而成 做工精细 包装可按照客户要求 实物实拍 量大从优 欢迎咨询