衢州车百汇工艺品厂位于素有四省通衢之称的国家历史文化名城。是一家集设计,制造,销售为一体的现代化汽车布艺产品生产企业.,主要产品为汽车抱枕、颈枕、腰靠、空调被等布艺产品。 企业精心致力于现代汽车布艺的开发,日前拥有现代化厂房,设备,年生产能力5千万余套件,博采众家之长,汇聚众多厂商之生产经验,更与外地一些各名企业双向交流,不断改进产品的工艺设计,构思独特;造型经典,艺术典雅加上精心选材及雕琢,让您真正感受到车百汇提供的不仅仅是一流的汽车布艺产品,还有充分的对人性的尊重和关怀.今年来,企业本着"用户至上,服务第一"的宗旨,不断赢得了顾客和市场的认可,今后,车百汇将在现有的基础上,不断开发创新,与社会各界朋友真诚合作,共创辉煌!CheBaiHui factory located in QuZhou that it is praised the national historical and cultural city. It is a modern automobile cloth product enterprise that integrate with desige,manufacture and marketing. our main products are car pillows,cushions and quilts and so on.CheBaiHui aboratively commit to develop modern auto cloth art. As of now,it is a modern factory with advanced equipment and the with its production capacity more than 50 Millions of sets per year.CheBaiHui assimilates essence and introduce advanced technologies fromother manufactories into itself.Moreover, CBH continually improve its techniques and special design through bidirectional-exchange with ecdemic outstanding enterprises.With our classical art sculpt and show originality, you can feel veritably what CBH provide is not only with top rank products for auto cloth art, but with considerately respecting and caring for humanity.As of this year,with the tenet of consumerism and knight service, CBH wins widely recognitions from customers. base on current achievements,CBH will keep optimize innovation system, and sincerely cooperate with friends from all over the world. 还有很多款式哦,有意向的朋友可以与我们联系哦!