The company has introduced advanced air compressor technology and equipments from Japan,Meanwhile,it s also applied the Japanese strict management to its production.with its successful marketing experience in Japan s after-sale service area,Wuxi Finer Automobile Air Conditioner Co.,Ltd. is committing itself to producing more reliable and more excellent automobile air compressors to meet customers demand. 公司座落于江蘇省錫山經濟技術開發區,距滬甯高速無錫東出口2公裏,交通便捷, 産業制造基礎發達。 公司引進日本壓縮機械制造工艺和設備,同時发挥産品在日本售後服務市場优质的銷售服务理念,並賦予日本嚴謹的生産管理模式,致力于爲廣大客戶制造質量可靠、性能卓越的汽車空調壓縮機産品,滿足廣大用户的需求!生产机型:FIN5系列 ,FIN7B10,FIN7H13,FIN7H15,FIN10PA系列無錫法爾納汽車空調有限公司是一家外商獨資企業,公司專業生産