- 适用范围各类汽车
- 型号S5K-1
司现有员工1000多人,我公司有专业的技术研发团队,以技术创新为至高点,投巨资组建了业界领先的产品开发,尤其是以防爆移动电源充电宝研发的队。公司拥有现代化标准厂房1500多平方米,技术研发人员15人,工业设计为4人,生产人员为700人,产能50万台。公司自成立至今,秉承“忠诚、合作、敬业、创新”的企业精神,以诚信求生存,公司现有多款汽车应急启动电源,以为多家知名品牌OEM,本公司也提供中性产品,可以联系好立刻提货,不用等待生产周期。欢迎前来咨询给汽车点火20次——斯沃卡车载应急移动电源 笔记本用4小时以上苹果手机充电5次本款汽车应急启动移动电源,是有史以来见过的性能最强,价格最优,配件最全,服务最佳的产品,所以大力推荐、特别推荐!1、其它应急启动只能打4缸的车,而本款产品4缸、6缸、8缸的都可以打;2、标配LED超亮白灯,闪变警示灯;3、不仅支持汽车应急启动,还支持多种输出,有5V输出(支持各类手机等移动产品),12V输出(支持路由器等产品),19V输出(支持绝大部分笔记本电脑产品);4、内置高性能锂离子电池,不是普通的铅酸电池可以相比的;5、使用寿命长,充放电循环可以到1500次以上,充满电(电量显示4格)可以启动汽车20次;6、特别说明:电量显示1-2格时不要去启动汽车,应充满电再使用,以免烧坏移动电源主机。This car started emergency mobile power, the most powerful ever seen, the optimal price, accessories, products for service best, therefore strongly recommended, recommended! 1, other emergency starting can only play 4-cylinder car, and this product 4-cylinder, 6-cylinder, 8 cylinder can play; 2, standard LED ultra bright white lights, flickering lights; 3, not only supports the car emergency start, also supports a variety of output, output 5V (supports a variety of mobile products such as mobile phones), 12V output (supporting products such as routers), output 19V (supports most portable products); 4, built-in high-performance lithium-ion batteries, are not comparable to normal lead-acid battery; 5, long life, charging and discharging cycles to more than 500, full charge (battery display 3-4) you can start the car 20 times; 6, special note: power display 1-2 when you do not start the car, should be fully charged and then use to avoid burnout mobile power generator联系人:邓生(经理)咨询电话:18211437793QQ:869328769定做红酒柜http://www.jielimy.com,工厂直订,质量保证。
补偿器http://www.huabxd.com ,专业的不锈钢法兰,补偿器工厂。
汽车应急启动电源http://by.exide168.net ,你再也不用担心汽车无法启动!