shanghai start electronics co.,ltd(the brief name is start), exclusively engaged in to respond id\the ic card equipments and peripheral product of development, produce, sale and gearing adjust to try of high-tech private enterprise, have perfect system to solve, product kit ability, can for each kind of application or the individual case provide pole overall solution of having favourable price.the creation product which makes card includes: each kind of paper card, pvc card, ip card, ic card, magnetic stripe card, vip card, member's card of the telecommunication ip rechargeable value, the certificate card, medical treatment card, metals card, game point card...etc.near 100 kinds.there are lots of kinds of product, have top quality, the price is excellent with perfect after-sales service for the aim, winning the trust and support of the large customer.
公司名称 - 上海思塔特电子有限公司
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- [企业信息] 浙江众扶农业发展有限公司
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