公司名称 - 青岛正吉机械制造有限公司
青岛正吉机械制造有限公司是一家具有二十多年历史的铸造机械加工及汽车举升机和汽车维修检测设备研发、生产和销售于一体的专业化规模企业,公司成立以来始终致力于汽车维修设备性能提升和新型设备的研发工作。公司建立了专业化的研发团队、购置了先进测试仪器、装备了一流的生产加工设备,相继开发了三十多个不同规格型号的高端产品。 目前公司自主研制成功QJ型系列汽车举升机,举升重量从3吨至60吨,有双柱式、托盘平台式、四柱托轮式、六柱托轮式、四柱横梁式、地沟式等多种款式;同时自主研制成功QZF-2型汽车制动附件综合试验台、QBS-2型汽车变速箱试验台及DZM-2型多功能冲铆机等汽车维修设备。公司研制的设备性能优异、质量过硬,满足了汽车维修设备市场的需求。依托公司热忱、认真、专业的销售团队,产品销往全国各地,并有部分产品出口至其他国家,深受用户好评。 公司秉承“质量第一,信誉至上”的理念,依靠诚信的经营、周到的服务,依托自身专业的团队、先进的设备,凭借产品优异的性能、过硬的质量,赢得了广大客户的信赖。热忱欢迎海内外朋友莅临参观指导洽谈业务。我们将以真诚的合作和优质的服务,与您携手共创汽车维修事业的美好明天。Tsingdao Zheng Ji mechanical manufacture Co.,Ltd is a professional enterprise with over twenty years’ history in R&D, production and sale of casting machining, auto lift, maintenance and detection equipments. Our company has been devoting into the capability upgrade of car maintenance equipments and R&D work of new equipments. Over thirty different types of high-end products have been developed by the foundation of professional R&D team, the purchase of advanced test instruments and the installation of advanced manufacture equipments. Now our company has developed successfully the series auto lift in QJ type with the lift weight from 3 tons to 60 tons. This auto lift series include double column type, pallet platform type, four column with roller type, six column with roller type, four-column beam type and trench type. We also developed the QZF-2 type of comprehensive test base for brake accessories, the QBS-2 type of test base for auto gearbox and the DZM-2 type of auto repair equipment for multi-function punching and riveting machines etc. The equipment developed by our company meet the requirements of vehicle maintenance equipment market through the excellent capability and quality. Relying on our zealous, serious and professional sale team, our products are sold throughout the country, and some products are exported to other countries with the users’ well evaluation. We take the philosophy of “Quality first, credit first”. We have won trust from clients through good and professional service, advance equipments and excellent quality of products. We welcome your visit and look forward to discussing possible cooperation with you in the future.
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