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公司名称 - 东莞市雷克维尔电子有限公司


歡迎光臨我司內貿網站! lake-view公司始創于1973年, 一直緻力于開關、插座、連接器等電子五金、塑膠零部件的研究與生産, 其中主營帶燈開關, 手電筒按鈕開關, 微型滑動開關,smd輕觸開關, fpc,hdmi,usb連接器等高精密度要求之產品, 産品廣泛應用于影音設備、通訊器材、家用電器、燈飾以及精密電子儀器等各種産品中。我們的産品已于2005年就全面執行歐盟rohs標準., 并于2008年執行歐盟reach標準. 我們擁有一支具有三十多年經驗的研發團隊, 幷且一直貫徹實行iso9001:2000質量管理模式,結合先進的製造設備和檢測設備,確保我們以卓越的品質、良好的服務、極具競爭力的價格贏得客戶的信賴!長期以來, 我們不斷的累積、創新幷發展優越技術,不僅能爲您提供質優價廉的産品, 同時也非常樂意提供産品量身訂做服務, 滿足您對産品的特殊要求. 歡迎來電來函垂詢! welcome to our website! founded in 1973, lake-view electronics co., ltd. is specialized in designing and manufacturing switch、socket、connector、electronic accessory. our products are wide used in audio and visual market、communication market、white home application market、lamp and lighting marketand precision instrument market. with our eximious researching and developing team who have accumulated several decades of experience in electronical technology,we always carry through the iso9001:2000 and combine with the advanced equipments, in order to meet the needs of our customers by supplying the reasonable price products of the highest quality and best service. we are committed to innovating and developing new technology, so as to offer you the best products. we also enjoy providing customer-oriented services, in particular any kinds of oem/odm cooperation. our strengths 我們的優勢------------------------------------------------------------------------- experienced management team 擁有經驗豐富的管理團隊 innovative products and technologies 不斷的有產品和技術創新 one-stop solutions ranging from design to assembly 具有從設計到裝配一站式解決方案 global market presence 我們產品已存在于全球市場 dedicated to quality excellence and prompt delivery 一直致力于卓越的品質和更快的交期 established credibility on high volumes 已具有極高信譽保證 nominated supplier for global brands 為部份全球品牌指定供應商


    发布供求信息 推广企业产品
    建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意

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