公司名称 - 广州比易展览服务有限公司
beep是一家提供会展及大型活动全方位服务的执行公司,与国外的多家著名设计公司保持着长期良好的合作,并服务于他们在中国及亚洲的一些重要客户。我们的总部设在新加坡,并在中国的上海和广州设有子公司。我们的团队是由经验丰富的项目主管、三维设计师及结构工程师所组成。他们个个身经百战,所负责过的大型项目涉及汽车、纺织、金属、橡塑、机械工具、木工机械、造纸机械等各类展会及活动。我们自行设计并制造了beep标准型材,并将其运用于我们的某些项目之中,也供出口至海外各地。beep is a full service exhibitions and events contractor working in co-operation with foreign design companies for their prestigious clients in asia and china. our head office locates in singapore and has set the shanghai and guangzhou branch at china.our team of experienced structural engineers,3d designers, graphic designers and project anagers have handled exhibitions and events for utoshows and shows for plastics,textile, machinetools, woodworking, metal and paper machine industries.we have also designed and produced our own beep systems for our own projects and also for export.not only be great in china, beep also can build outstanding booth and provide full services in worldwide exhibition cities, e.g. essen, singapore, hongkong and new delhi. even though in u.s. and europe, beep has excellent export services for every client.
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