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公司名称 - 东莞市科华机械科技有限公司


东莞市科华机械科技有限公司是一家专业生产软体床具、家纺用品绗缝机械以及各床垫配套设备制造厂。dongguan kehua machinery technology co., ltd is a manufacturer specialized in producing quilting machines for soft beddings and fabric articles and supporting equipment.本厂拥有专业机械工程师和软件技术开发人员,集设计、开发、生产、销售服务于一体的专业团队,不断推出自动化程度高的床具绗缝机械产品。we have professional mechanics and software technique development personals, as well as the professional team with design, development, production and sales service set in one, who keep promoting bedding quilting machines of high automation.本厂研发生产的全自动单针绗缝机、全自动双针绗缝机获得多项专利,填补了国内全自动绗缝空缺。本厂还生产床垫特厚锁边机,普通型多针绗缝机,以及最新研发的独立针多针绗缝机更是国内首创。产品销售网络遍布全国市场以及全球数十个国家和地区。产品的质量过硬,售后服务到位和诚信敬业精神赢得了广大客户的佳碑,也使本厂成为同行业的后起之秀。the single-needle quilting machine and dual-needle quilting machine developed by us have obtained several patents and filled the domestic gap of full-automatic quilting. we also produce the super-thick mattress stitcher, the common-typed multi-needle quilting machine and the latest-developed independent-needled multi-needle quilting machine which is the initiated in china. our sales network spreads across the national market and tens of countries and areas in the world. our high quality products, good post-sale service, honesty and dedication enjoy great popularity among the clients and make us a promising enterprise in the industry.“科华绗缝,技术卓越”。科华愿与各新老客户携手共创双赢明天!“kehua mechanical, technical excellence”. kehua would like to join hands with new and old clients and achieve the win-win tomorrow!


    发布供求信息 推广企业产品
    建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意

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