公司名称 - 东莞中久机械设备有限公司
东莞市中久机械有限公司始建于2005年,是一家专业从事锂离子电池各类自动化设备的研发、生产、销售为一体的精密机械制造企业。公司领导人拥有10多年的工业自动化设备设计与制造经验,秉承“术业有专攻,技术贵在精”的专业理念,一直致力于聚合物/软包电池封装生产设备:以“方便操作、品质精益求精”为中心不断的升级改造,依靠高素质的人才、完备的质量管理体系、优良的售前和售后服务体系,用心为客户提供一流的高新技术产品和优质服务,在国内外众多知名企业得到广泛的认可和应用。我司服务宗旨是:用先进的技术和丰富的经验为您提供“理想的产品,完善的服务”。 一如既往,愿和广大用户真诚合作,互惠互利,共同发展。热诚欢迎国内外客户莅临参观指导。dongguan zhonjiu machinery co., ltd was founded in 2005, it specializes in all kinds of automated equipments' for lithium- ion battery of the research and development, production and sales as an integration, it's a sophisticated machine manufacturing enterprise. the company's leaders have ten year experiences for industrial automated equipment design and production, in accordance with the professional concept of "profession is specialized, technology is refined", it commits to the sealing manufacturing equipment for polymer/soft bag battery: bases on "convenient operation, excellent quality" as the core, keeps upgrading and improving, depends on hig-quality talents, complete quality managerial system, fantastic before-sales and after-sales service system, provides first-rank high-tech products and superior services to the customers attentively, obtains the extensive recognition and applicationin from many prestigious enterprises at home and abroad. the service mission of our company is: using the advanced technology and rich experience to offer "ideal products, complete services" for you. run true to form, we wish to cooperate with numerous clients sincerely, benefit mutually, develop together. warmly welcome the home and abroad clients to visit and instruct us!
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