公司名称 - 东莞超顺机电设备工程有限公司
东莞超顺机电安装工程有限公司是集设计、规划、生产服务于一体的专业性公司。自1994年成立以来,秉承专业,敬业之精神,凭借专业的技术优势和过硬的施工经验、先后为国内外的知名企业如生益科技股份有限公司、新科电子、成功国际、康升电子、江门达能食品公司、雅新电子、雀巢咖啡、嘉顿食品公司等。承造了大型中央空调系统工程无尘净化间工程及各种自动化生产线等。 本公司以“质量是企业的生命、设计制造客户满意产品”为经营理念,抱着诚信;务实的作风;从点点滴滴做起,同客户建立忠实的伙伴关系从而共同发展。产品介绍 ◆ 表面涂装设备 ◆ 燃汽、燃油、电热热风固化炉◆ 整厂液体粉体涂装生产线◆ 喷粉房及回收系统◆ disk静电喷房◆ uv 快速固化机◆ 喷淋式、浸槽式前处理系统◆ 木器、家具涂装烤漆设备◆ 电子生产设备◆ 食品生产线◆ 悬吊式输送线◆ 恒温恒湿净化车间部分荣誉客户◆ 东莞雀巢咖啡、美极公司(机电设备安装。外资)◆ 华嘉食品有限公司(食品生产线。港资)◆ 江门达能饼干有限公司(食品生产线。外资)◆ 东莞生益科技股份有限公司(电子设备。港资)◆ 东莞康氏集团(粉体涂装设备。外资)◆ 雅新电子有限公司(无尘车间安装。台资)◆ 东莞宝利高电子有限公司(手机自动化喷涂线、废水废气处理。港资)◆ 东莞成功国际有限公司(氟碳喷涂设备。港资) dongguan chaoshun equipment installation engineering co., ltd. is a professional manufacturer engaged in the production of non-standard food machinery. the company is located in wanjiang district, dongguan city, guangdong province, adjacent to 107 national highway which runs through guangzhou, dongguan and shenzhen, and the traffic is very convenient there. the company was established in 1992 and mainly engaged in food machinery production, research and development. it has accumulated rich experience in machinery research and development, and it has been successfully serving well-known domestic and overseas food enterprises over the decade. the company has designed and produced a variety of automation food equipment, winning widely recognition and acclaim. the company operates its business in a realistic, pragmatic and people-oriented approach. the production process is complex as food machinery is non-standard equipment, the production cycle is long and the cost is expensive, in addition, it is difficult to carry out mass production and there are great varieties to be produced. our company has successfully cultivated a technical team, and this team is skilled, well-managed and multi-disciplinary. we understand deeply that credit is a gate pass in the market and the way to success, so we adhere to an innovative concept of pursuing best quality, perfecting service and innovating research and development”; we emphasize product quality and after-sales service and always satisfy customer needs with high quality products, competitive prices and dedicated service. we take customers’ satisfaction as our benchmark. we take their confidence as our guideline and furthermore take their trust as our goal.
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