需10分钟路程地理位置优越,交通便利,环境优美舒适,是国内专业生产和出口玻璃深加工机械、玻璃工具及相关配件厂商,集生产、销售及技术服务于一体的独资企业,主导产品为:玻璃直线磨边机、斜边机、双边机、异型机、立/卧式钻孔机、立/卧式清洗机、喷砂机、切割机、夹胶机、玻璃热弯炉、平弯钢化炉及玻璃雕刻机… 结合国内外先进的生产技术,公司所有玻璃加工机械已取得欧洲国家- "ce" 强制性认证,保证所有产品必能在严谨品质标准下生产及出厂,务求所有机械与零件都能达到优质保证,机械质量优越稳定, 80%机械出口到东南亚、中东、欧洲、南美州,非洲全世界各地。凭借多年的玻璃机械出口经验,公司拥有一批专业的技术人员,能委派到世界各地进行安装、调试及培训,为我们的玻璃机械提供售前、售中、售后一条龙的优质服务。
磨轮,异形斜边磨轮,异形机磨轮,抛光轮 : o/g 轮,bk轮,羊毛轮,x3000/x5000 抛光轮,ce3,10s40/10s60 抛光轮,金刚石钻头,已经大量销售到全球各地几十个国家,,绝对是玻璃机械和玻璃机械配件出口的首选!
s&k glass machinery company, ltd. is a leading manufacturer and exporter of professionally
designed, high quality, precision glass deep-processing machinery, tools and associated equipment accessories.
our company is located at guangzhou science industrial estate, it is only 10 minutes from the canton fair site. we have a very nice facility and offer convenient transportation to prospective buyers. all of our glass process machinery products use advanced technology combined with high quality components and are carefully assembled by skilled technicians. we ensure that every product is manufactured with strict attention to the highest quality standards and are ce certified. we offer you the best products at the most reasonable prices.
we are an internationally capable company providing complete export services from our factory in china to your job site. 80% of our products have been sold to europe, asia, the middle east, africa & south america.
our highly experienced technical service team is available to provide a wide range of product support including installation, testing and training services worldwide.
公司名称 - 广州森肯玻璃机械有限公司
- [企业信息] 苏州星通科远自动化设备有限公司
- [企业信息] 温州浦星机车部件有限公司
- [企业信息] 温州凯创机械科技有限公司
- [企业信息] 浙江众扶农业发展有限公司
- [企业信息] 泉州澳威斯机械有限公司
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- [企业信息] 兰州利康商贸车辆燃气改装
- [企业信息] 兰州汇利车用燃气改装服务有限公
- [企业信息] 权优润滑油有限公司
- [企业信息] 兰州通用机器厂实业总公司修造厂
- [企业信息] 兰州永泰昌工贸有限公司总经办
- [企业信息] 兰州金三信汽配有限公司
- [企业信息] 耐驰(兰州)泵业有限公司
- [企业信息] 兰州光义汽车租赁有限公司业务部