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公司名称 - 上海泰欣实业有限公司


上海泰欣贸易有限公司成立于2002年,与世界上许多国家有着广泛的业务往来,主要包括中东,中亚,东南亚,北非,欧洲,北美等国家和地区,因为稳定的品质和安全的运输而深受欢迎。在国内,我们拥有多家专业制造汽车零配件的工厂。我们始终奉行“品质第一,客户第一,信誉第一”的经营理念并切实地将这一理念贯彻到我们工作的每一个细节当中。从企业创办的第一天开始我们就以优良的工作质量保证优良的产品质量,视品质为企业赖以生存和长久发展的第一要素。我们的品质管理使我们得到了丰厚的回报,公司出口商标“ EM Euro Moteur ”已成为多个国家和地区的名牌产品,并深得客户的信任,出口额连年创出新高,仅2005年既已超过2000万美金。同时我们还相信,客户的利益就是我们的利益,客户的成功就是我们的成功。因此我们积极工作,视客户的生存发展为己任,始终站在客户的一边,让客户成为我们的战略同盟、朋友,而不仅仅是讨价还价的过客。面对经济市场全球化的机遇,我们公司团结一致,并坚信以我们的经营理念和原则将会为各方客户和我们带来更大的发展和更好的未来。我们将努力来满足您的要求,也坚信我们将是您最理想的合作伙伴。SHANGHAI TAIXIN TRADING CO.,LTD,established in 2002, is a comprehensive enterprise about auto-spare parts & accessories with many countries.We trade with the middle East, central Asia, southeast Asia, North Africa, Europe, North-America and so on, which are getting warmly welcome from these customers by its stable quality and safe delivery. In China, we have many factories that are professional works to fabricate any kinds of auto parts. “Quality First, Clients First and Credit Standing First”, are our thoughts of management, we will stick to it all the time and put it into practice on every details of our business.Since the day of our company organized, we have tried our best to ensure that the quality of products are always the best . We also consider quality as the basis of our existing and developing long time . Excellent management has brought us a lot of benefits, our export trade name “EM Euro Moteur” has been a very famous brand in many counties and regions, and our customers always have faith in us , so we breaks a record in export volume year-by-year , our total export volume has exceed more than 20 million dollars in the year of 2005.At the same time, we believe that the benefits of our customers are also our benefits, the success of customers are also our success. So we work hard to ensure the existing and developing of our customers. We will be on our customers’ side all the time, considering our customers as our business federation and friends , not a argy-bargy passing traveler.With the new opportunities from the global economic market and the cooperation and solidarity of all the staff in our company, we believe that our thoughts of management and principle will bring both customers and us a further development and a bright future. We will do our best to meet your interests. We ensure that we will be one of your best ideal cooperation partners .All the new clients and contacts are very welcome!


    发布供求信息 推广企业产品
    建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意

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