深圳市施尔德科技有限公司主营柴油、燃气发电机组及相关配件, 集“研发、设计、制造、销售和系统工程服务”于一体,产业涵盖“能源、电力、环保、节能”四大领域。
公司秉承“质量第一、顾客至上”的经营理念及“用户至上、服务第一”是我们永远追求的售后服务宗旨。产品销往国内外大小企业及事业单位等,并赢得了客户的信赖和好评。公司经过努力发展与开拓,成绩显著,规模不断扩大,售后服务团队也日益强大,拥有全面成熟的技术储备、大量零件储备以及全套的维修专用工具, 建立起了一套完善的售后服务管理体系和制度,以及售后服务承诺及措施。志存高远,锐意进取,公司将继续以良好的信誉为基础,秉承稳固与发展、求实与创新的精神,为客户提供更全面、更优质的服务。
高品质,价格合理,金牌售后, 永久技术支持!
QQ: 2647379504 (敲门暗号:慧聪网)
Shield Science&Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Shenzhen, a beautiful and flourishing city of China. The company mainly deals with diesel generators, gas generators and related spare parts. The company devotes itself to researching, designing manufacturing, marketing and system project service and the business involves in four fields,namely,energy,electricity,
environment protection,energy saving. The company’s generators range form 10kw to 3000kw cover varied types for general and special users, including standard type, soundproof type, Mobile type, biogas type,etc.
With the concept of "Quality First,Customer Best" and the principle of "the customers’ satisfaction is our tiptop goal to achieve", we obtain our customers’ trust and praise successfully from all over the world.With the development of the company, our after-sale service team is enlarged continuously.Supported by advanced technic,plenty of spare parts in stock and full set of maintaining tools,we set up a scientific aftersale service system.The company will provide customers better and better service on the basis of current good reputation.
公司名称 - 深圳市施尔德科技有限公司
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